drop python 2.6 (not supported by django any more) switch from django-registration (dead and broken) to django-registration-redux, fix issue #116 remove south dependency (and south migrations) create new initial migration with django's builtin migrations update docs
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{% load i18n %}{% load bootstrap %}
{% comment %}
This template is used for the html alternative of the activation email
if you use a django-registration backend that looks for it. e.g.
{% endcomment %}
{% url 'registration_activate' activation_key as activation_key_url %}
{% blocktrans with sitename=site.name sitedomain=site.domain requestscheme=request.scheme %}<body>
<h3>Account registration for {{ sitename }}</h3>
You (or someone pretending to be you) have asked to register an account at
<b>{{ sitename }}</b>.<br/>
If this wasn't you, please ignore this email and your address will be removed
from our records.
To activate this account, please click the following link within the next
<b>{{ expiration_days }}</b> days:<br/>
<a href="{{ requestscheme }}://{{ sitedomain }}{{ activation_key_url }}">{{ requestscheme }}://{{ sitedomain }}{{ activation_key_url }}</a>
{{ sitename }} Management
{% endblocktrans %}