{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %}{% load bootstrap %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Nameserver Shared Secret Generated" %}

{% trans "New nameserver shared secret generated for you. Everytime you visit this page a new secret will be generated and the old one becomes invalid." %}

{% trans "Algorithm:" %} {{ object.get_bind9_algorithm }}

{% trans "Secret:" %} {{ shared_secret }}

{% trans "How to configure your bind9 nameserver to accept dynamic DNS updates?" %}

// configuration snippet for bind 9 nameserver (put it into /etc/bind9/named.conf )

key "{{ object.name }}." {
    // everyone who has this key may update this zone:
    // must be same algorithm as in the Domain record of the nsupdate.info based service
    algorithm {{ object.get_bind9_algorithm }};
    // the secret is just a shared secret in base64-encoding, you don't need
    // to use a special tool to create it. Some random in base64 encoding should
    // be OK. must be same secret as in the Domain database record of the nsupdate.info based service
    secret "{{ shared_secret }}";

zone {{ object.name }} {
        type master;
        // bind9 needs write permissions into that directory and into that file:
        file "/etc/bind/zones/{{ object.name }}";
        update-policy {
            // these "deny" entries are needed for the service domain,
            // if you add another domain, you may want to check the need
            // for other "deny" entries if the zone is not fully available.
            // we don't allow updates to the infrastructure hosts:
            deny  {{ object.name }}.      name      {{ object.name }};
            deny  {{ object.name }}.      name  www.{{ object.name }};
            deny  {{ object.name }}.      name ipv4.{{ object.name }};
            deny  {{ object.name }}.      name ipv6.{{ object.name }};
            // but we allow updates to any other host:
            grant {{ object.name }}. subdomain {{ object.name }};

How to setup the initial zone file?

$TTL 3600       ; 1 hour
; note: please fix SOA, NS, A, AAAA, MX as needed:
{{ object.name }}       IN SOA  ns1.{{ object.name }}. root.{{ object.name }}. (
                                2013123101 ; serial YYYYMMDDNN
                                7200       ; refresh (2 hours)
                                1800       ; retry (30 minutes)
                                604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                60         ; minimum (1 minute)
                        NS      ns1.{{ object.name }}.
                        NS      ns2.{{ object.name }}.
                        AAAA    ::
                        MX      10 mail.{{ object.name }}.
$ORIGIN {{ object.name }}.
$TTL 3600       ; 1 hour
; note: the www, ipv4, ipv6 host entries are ONLY needed if you run the
; nsupdate.info service on these hosts. if you just want to add another
; domain that can be updated from an existing nsupdate.info service, you
; won't need these host records:
www                     A
                        AAAA    ::1
ipv4                    A
ipv6                    AAAA    ::1
{% endblock %}